What are three new things you have learnt about yourself and your ego due to the core learning?
I learned, for example, that I need and want to practice mindfulness, as it provides my brain with much-needed calm. I discovered that I have some fixed patterns when exploring neuroplasticity and mind growth. I also realized that I could change them. When creating the learning plan, I was 'forced' to deeply think about my future journey and how I want to achieve it. I found this process extremely beneficial.
What has surprised you the most about the core learning?
The most surprising thing was that I found myself applying the newly learned 'core skills' and observations during the tech part. It helped me stay on track and not give up.
What were the most challenging aspects of the core learning?
The most challenging aspect of the core learning was self-analysis.
Why do you think we, a programming school, are spending so much time focusing on core learning in a web development Bootcamp course?
Because it is not just about tech skills. Being able to work with your own mind will help you to grow and be successful.
Does the time you spent studying core learning here feel like a waste of time? Should you have just used that time to practise programming instead?
Not at all. Considering all the tools available today, coding appears to be a much more accessible skill for many compared to the past. This is why I believe people who invest in developing their 'core' skills will not only have a better chance of success in the market but also in their overall lives.